Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
Sl Photo Name Qualification Department Post Type
1 Gopabandhu Mishra MA, B.Ed HISTORY Reader
2 Dr. Umakanta Nayak M.A., Ph.D. HISTORY Reader
3 Sri Banamali Das M.A. HISTORY Lecturer
4 Dr. Manas Kumar Sahoo M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. HISTORY Lecturer
5 Sri Pravat Kumar Nayak M.SC. CHEMISTRY Lecturer
6 Sri Sagar Kumar Parhi M.SC. CHEMISTRY Lecturer
7 Sri Shukadev Mallick M.SC PHYSICS Lecturer
8 Sri Prakash Kumar Pattanayak M.SC. PHYSICS Lecturer
9 Miss Archana Barik MSc. ZOOLOGY Lecturer
10 Sri Hemanta Kumar Das M.Sc. ZOOLOGY Lecturer
11 Miss Madhumita Satapathy M.Com. COMMERCE Lecturer
12 Sri Ramakanta Rout M.COM. COMMERCE Lecturer
13 Sri Ratnakar Sahoo M.COM. COMMERCE Lecturer
14 Sri Nirmal Chandra Behera M.COM. COMMERCE Lecturer
15 Sri Banamali Behera M.COM. COMMERCE Lecturer
16 Miss Basanti Das M.COM., M.ED, COMMERCE Lecturer
17 Sri Ajit Kumar Mohanty M.A. ENGLISH Lecturer
18 Dr. Lalatendu Prasad Mishra M.A., PH.D. ENGLISH Lecturer
19 Sri Ramakanta Tripathy M.A., M.PHIL. ENGLISH Lecturer
20 Sri Prasant Kumar Mohanty M.A., M.Phil. ENGLISH Lecturer
21 Sri Binod Kumar Nayak M.A. EDUCATION Lecturer
22 Sri Gouranga Chandra Mishra M.ED. EDUCATION Lecturer
23 Sri Baburam Jena M.ED. EDUCATION Lecturer
24 Dr. Kamlakanta Mishra M.A., PH.D. SANSKRIT Lecturer
25 Sri Bhageerathee Patra M.A., M.PHIL. SANSKRIT Lecturer
26 Smt. Sangita Mohanty M.A. SANSKRIT Lecturer
27 Dr. Ranjan Kumar Muduli PH.D POLITICAL SCIENCE Lecturer
28 Dr. Biswaranjan Dash PH.D. POLITICAL SCIENCE Lecturer
29 Miss Rajashree Mohanty M.Phil POLITICAL SCIENCE Lecturer
30 Sri Binay Kumar Lenka M.A. ECONOMICS Reader
31 Sri Umesh Chandra Sahu M.A. ECONOMICS Reader
32 Sri Dinabandhu Mohapatra M.A., MBA ECONOMICS Lecturer
33 Smt. Rojalin Sahoo M.A., M.Phil. ECONOMICS Lecturer
34 Sri Narayan Chandra Das M.A. ODIA Lecturer
35 Miss Ritarani Panda M.A. ODIA Lecturer
36 Miss Priyadarshini Nayak M.A., M. Phil. ODIA Lecturer
37 Miss Devirani Jena M.A. ODIA Lecturer
38 Sri Kamal Baran Lenka M.SC. , M.PHIL. MATHEMATICS Lecturer
39 Sri Suryakant Panda M.Sc. MATHEMATICS Lecturer
40 Master Apollo M.Sc., M. Phil. BOTANY Lecturer
41 Sri Goura Chanda Samal M.SC., M.Phil. BOTANY Contractual