Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
The name of the College Union shall be Simulia College Union, Simulia.

Functions of the Union

1. To organise discussion on general, cultural, social, academic, national and international problems.
2. To organise debates for the all round development of the students.
3. To invite eminent persons to address the Union.
4. To represent the authorities, the views of the members on all matters of the college.
5. To create a sincere and ideal youth organisation to uplift the glory of the college.

The Executive Committee

There shall be an Executive Committee of the College Union consisting of the following:
1. President
3.General Secretary
4. Asst. General Secretary
5. Class Representatives (one from each class)
6. Women Representative

Functions of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the College Union shall discuss and prepare the Annual Budget for the session in consultation with the Advisory Board and submit it to the Principal for his recommendation. It shall also undertake and decide from time to time all such matters concerning the activities of the Union.

Procedures of the Meetings

1. An ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the General Secretary in consultation with the Adviser. Notice of such meeting with date, time, place and agenda shall be given to members at least 2 days before the meeting.
2. An extra-ordinary (emergent) meeting of the Executive Committee can be convened at any time by the Principal.
3. A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by the President or in his absence by Vice-President or in the absence of both any member of the Committee elected and present at the meeting.
4. No meeting of the Executive will be valid unless the Adviser / Associate Adviser / Vice-President of the Association or societies are present at such meeting and endorse the proceedings of the meeting.
5. All questions on debated issues in the meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of members present. In case of tie, the ruling of the Adviser / Vice-President will be final.
6. At the commencement of each meeting, the General Secretary shall read out the minutes of the previous meeting and the minutes being approved shall be confirmed by the President.
7. The quorum of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be "rd (one-third) of the members.

Advisory Board

There shall be one Adviser and some Associate Advisers nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff
1. The Adviser and Associate Advisers shall be present in all meetings of the Union and will advise in the proper count of the meetings.
2. The President may refer any rule for interpretation and the decision of the Adviser / Associate Advisers, when so referred to, shall be final.
3. The Adviser is empowered to withdraw money from the College Union Fund and the same will be spent properly on various heads under his direct supervision. Due vouchers to the effect should be submitted to the Principal by him.
4. The Associate Adviser shall extend active co-operation to the Adviser in all activities of the College Union.


Any bonafide student of 3rd Year class of +3 Arts/ Commerce/Science is eligible to contest for the office of the President of the College Union.
1. The President shall preside over all ordinary meetings of the College Union in which he/she is present.
2. He/she shall be responsible for maintaining order and discipline in all meetings.
3. He/she shall to remove the problems of the students in consultation with the Principal and the Advisory Board.
4. He/she shall preside over the Annual Function of the college.
5. In all meetings the ruling of the President shall be final but when he/she requests the Adviser or Associate Advisers to give ruling and in that case the ruling of the Adviser or Associate Advisers will be final.


Any bonafide student of +3 1st year and 2nd year classes Arts/Commerce/Science is eligible to contest for the office of the Vice-President of the College Union.
1. He/she shall attend all the meetings of the Executive Committee of the College Union and co-operate with President.
2. In the absence of President, the Vice-President shall assume all his/her rights and discharge all his/her duties.
3. After the term of the President is over, he/she shall work as acting President and shall try to solve the problems of the college in consultation with the Advisory Board and the Principal.

General Secretary

A bonafide student of any class of +3 Arts/Commerce/ Science is eligible to contest for the office of the General Secretary of the College Union.
1. The General Secretary shall give notice of all meetings whether annual or ordinary or extra-ordinary at least 2 days before the meetings.
2. He/she shall arrange debates and select subjects for debates in consultation with the President, Adviser and Associate Advisers.
3. He/she shall keep records and proceedings of all meetings.

Asst. General Secretary

A bonafide student of +3 1st year and 2nd year classes of Arts/Commerce/Science is eligible to contest for the office of the Asst. General Secretary of the College Union.
1. He/she shall assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his/her duties.
2. In the absence of General Secretary, the Asst. General Secretary shall perform all his/her functions.

Class Representatives

Any member of the College Union of a particular class of +3 Arts/Commerce/Science is eligible to represent the College Union from that class. The Class Representatives will be elected from their respective classes separately.

1. The Class Representatives shall be members of the Executive Committee. They shall attend the meetings of the Union and put forth the problems of their respective classes and try to solve it.

Women Representative

One Woman Representative from among all woman students of +3 Arts/Commerce/Science is to represent the Co-llege Union. She is to be elected among the woman students only.


The election of Office Bearers to College Union, other societies, +2 Cultural Association shall take place as per the date fixed up by the Government or on such date and manner as determined by the Principal before the Puja Holidays. The college authority may postpone or cancel the election, if it is so felt for greater interest of the college. The principles of Lingdo commission will be strictly followed.

Election Guidelines

1. Notification for college election shall be published minimum seven days before the date of election.

2. Nomination paper can be had from the college counter after depositing the requisite fee from the date of notification for election.

3. Nomination paper clearly filled and signed by the proposer, the seconder and the candidate contesting for the office should be submitted to the nominees of the Principal before the nomination hour is over on the date of filing nomination.

4. A student can contest for one office only of the College Union/Societies/Cultural Association/Other Associations.

5. After the nomination hour is over, the nomination papers shall be properly scrutinised by the nominees of the Principal and valid nominations shall be published in the college notice board.

6. If the opinion of the members of a scrutiny committee differs, then the decision of the Principal shall be final.

7. Anybody wishing to withdraw his/her nomination can do so by presenting himself/herself before the Principal and submitting an application to him on the date and time notified with a declaration that he/she withdrawing from his/her post without any mental or physical pressure. After the withdrawal, final list of contesting candidates shall be published.

8. A student can cast only one vote for one office.

9. A student can cast his/her vote in favour of the candidate by putting a tick mark (?) on the right side of the name of the candidate in the space provided for. The tick mark should be within the line of demarcation. Otherwise the vote will be declared invalid.

10. The candidate obtaining largest number of votes shall be declared elected.

11. In case of equality of votes between any two or more candidates, the election of the successful candidate shall be determined by lot.

12. There shall be a recounting of votes if the difference between any two candidates is maximum 3 (three) votes or less. The Principal shall give permission for the recounting provided that any of such candidates applies for recounting after depositing a sum of Rs. 50 (Rupees Fifty) within one hour of the declaration of the results of the election. The results of the second counting shall be final and the counting shall be done the next day before 10 AM in the Principal's office.

13. After the election, the elected office bearers will have to take oath of office on the date specified by the Govt. or the date fixed up by the Principal. If one fails he/she has to take oath in the Principal's office within 10 days positively, failing which the concerned post will remain under suspension for rest of the session.

14. The office bearers shall hold the office till the date of their form fill up of the Annual Examination without fine unless-
(i) They cease to be the student of this college
(ii) They voluntarily resign in writing addressed to the Principal.
(iii) They may be removed by a motion passed by (rd (two third) majority of the members present and voting/expressing vote of no confidence at extra-ordinary meeting called for the purpose. Such meeting shall be presided over by the Principal.

15. If the President and the General Secretary vacate their offices before their form fill up, the Vice-President and the Asst. General Secretary shall succeed them respectively as the President and the General Secretary.

16. In addition to the above rules, there shall be certain Govt. guidelines for the College Election which shall be notified for the students before the commencement of the election process.

17. The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters concerned with the college election.

N.B. Only the bonafide regular students of the college (freshly admitted / re-admitted) can contest as well as cast their votes in the college election.