Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
Students' Common Room

The name shall be Simulia College Students' Common Room, Markona. There are two common rooms for students - one for boys and another for girls.

1. The main aims and objectives of the Common Room shall be to:
(a) Provide healthy recreation to the students.
(b) Advance the general knowledge and widen the outlook of the students.
(c) Foster a sense of togetherness among the students.
(d) It is particularly meant for the intellectual discussion, healthy recreation, mutual contact and goodwill among the students.

2. (a) All students of the college are ipso-facto members of the Common Room.
(b) All members of the staff are honorary members of the Common Room.
(c) The Executive Committee with prior approval of the Principal may confer honorary membership on any individual, eminent in culture of indoor games or in the field of learning.

3. The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of:
(a) President - Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President and Associate Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
(c) Executive members:
(1) Secretary and Asst. Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among them.
(ii) One class representative from each class (Arts and Commerce counted separately).
(iv) One representative to be elected from among the woman students.

4. The Secretary shall be responsible for:
(a) Convening executive meetings.
(b) Organising activities under 2 above.
(c) Maintain records and proceedings

5. (a) The funds of the Common Room shall consist of
(i) Annual contribution from the students of +2 & +3 stream.
(ii) Voluntary contribution from members.
(iii) Other contributions/donations raised/received with the approval of the Executive Committee and Principal.

(b) The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds. (c) The accounts shall be maintained by the Vice-President.

6. The Principal shall be the final controller of the Common Room and may, at his discretion, alter, amend, supplement or abrogate any or all of these rules.

7. The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharging his/her duties and shall assume all charges of the Secretary during his/her absence.