Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
Literary Society

The name of the Society shall be Simulia College Literary Society. All students of +3 classes of the college are ipso-facto members of the Society. All members of the staff are honorary members of the Society. The Principal is its permanent member.

Aims & Objectives

1. To organise meetings, debates, discussion, poetry and essay competitions.
2. To invite eminent scholars, literatures and critics to address the society.
3. To organise literary workshops.
4. To collect, translate, edit, publish manuscripts, books etc.

The Executive Committee of the Literary Society

It shall consist of:
(a) President-Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the lecturers of the Language / Literature Departments.
(c) Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among the Honours students among them.
(d) Asst. Secretary to be elected by +3 students from the Hons. students of +3 1st year or +3 2nd year classes.
(e) The Secretaries of different Honours subjects are its members. Class Representatives shall be the members of the subjects having no Honours facilities.
(f) Women Representative of the College Union shall act as its women representative.


1. The Secretary shall be responsible for
(a) Convening executive meetings.
(b) Maintaining accounts.
(c) Maintaining records and proceedings under the direct supervision of the Vice-President.

2. Office bearers who are examinees of University shall have to vacate their office by the date they fill in the forms for their examinations.

3. The funds of the Society shall consist of:
(a) Annual contribution from the students.
(b) Voluntary contribution from members.

4. The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds of the Society.

5. The Principal shall be the final controller of the Society.