Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
College Women's Hostel

The college has one ladies hostel under construction which may function from next academic session. More than 200 students can be accommodated in the hostel. Priority shall be given to the students belonging to SC and ST and meritorious ones.

Rules for Admission

1. Girl students seeking admission to the Ladies Hostel must apply in the plain paper at the time of admission.

2. Seats will be allotted by the Principal on the basis of the marks secured in the last examination as well as the verification of conduct certificates of the applicants.

3. If selected, the students shall have to submit an undertaking duly signed by their natural guardians about the active co-operation with hostel authorities for all types of securities of their daughters / relatives.

4. The boarders shall themselves submit undertakings duly signed by them to abide by all the rules of the Ladies Hostel.

5. If any boarder violates the rules of the Ladies Hostel after repeated warnings, the Superintendent shall call in her guardian and can expel her from the hostel with the permission of the Principal.

Rules for Leave of Absence

1. Boarder intending to avail leave of absences from the hostel must apply to the Superintendent at least 3 days before. This application must accompany with another application made by her natural guardian failing which the leave will not be granted.

2. If a boarder remains absent continuously for one month without any information, she will lose the hostel seat. Her case may be reconsidered if sufficient grounds are shown by her natural guardian for the prolonged absence.

3. The hostel will remain closed during Summer Vacation and Puja Holidays.

General Rules

1. Every boarder should maintain an ideal, punctual, sincere and polite life.

2. She will try to make her room always neat and clean.

3. Every boarder must leave her bed before 5 AM and should complete her daily routine work within one hour and sit to study by 6 AM.

4. After the mass prayer in the evening the study hour is from 6 PM to 11 PM with a break from 9 PM to 9.45 PM.

5. Any boarder desiring special light facilities other than the arrangement made by the hostel, should take permission from the Hostel Superintendent.

6. The Hostel Superintendent may supervise the room and the boarders at any time.

7. No employee of the college can enter the Ladies Hostel except the Principal, the Hostel Superintendent, Dy. Supdt., Matron without the permission of the hostel authorities.

8. Boy students can neither enter the Ladies Hostel nor can talk with the boarders at the main gate of the Ladies Hostel.

9. The following lapses will be treated as breach of discipline of the boarders:
(a) Absence in hostel without the permission of Supdt.
(b) Negligence in study.
(c) Gossiping with other boarders or disturbing others during study hour.
(d) Indecency in behaviour and conversation.
(e) Disfiguring the walls, doors, windows of the hostel building.
(f) Visiting the outsiders even natural guardian/legal guardian without the permission of Superintendent.
(g) Putting on unrefined/indecent dresses inside and outside the hostel.
(h) Misbehaving with senior boarders.
(i) Holding of any meeting in the hostel without the prior permission of the Superintendent.
(j) Creating any caste feeling or ill will among the boarders.

10. Only natural guardian or legal guardian can meet the boarders with the permission of the Superintendent according to the following schedule.
(a) Sunday from 8 AM to 10 AM and 3 PM to 4 PM.
(b) All other days of the week - 3 PM to 4 PM.

11. No visitor can meet any boarder without the permission of the Superintendent.

12. Boarders while coming and leaving the hostel with their books and other articles during Summer Vacation or Puja Holidays should get them checked by the Superintendent.

13. Perfect discipline and cleanliness should be maintained by every boarder in the hostel.

14. No boarder will be allowed to take her meals and Tiffin in any part of the hostel except in the dining hall.

15. All activities of the boarders like holding a meeting or circulating notice or raising subscription etc. must receive the previous sanction of the Superintendent.

16. Boarders should in all cases obtain the permission of the Principal through the Superintendent before joining or taking part in any association or meeting outside the college.

17. Boarders should not engage college hostel class-IV employees in their personal works.

18. Boarders will not be allowed to enter into the kitchen to ask for extra food or to prepare their personal food.

19. Boarders can purchase their required stationeries/ articles through the Matron/Security Guard but every time with the knowledge of the Superintendent.

20. All the letters/parcels/money orders to be posted and to be received by the boarders should be checked by the Superintendent.

21. In case of communicable diseases, the affected boarders will not be allowed to stay in the hostel till complete cure.

22. Boarders will be responsible for the furniture provided to them and will have to forfeit the amount deposited towards caution money in case of damage.

23. Boarders intending to allow their friend/relatives to stay with them in their room temporarily should take prior permission of the Superintendent.

24. If a boarder remains present in the college class but remains absent from the hostel for more than seven consecutive days she is to be expelled from the hostel. But she may be excused by the Superintendent on submission of an application by her with sufficient reasons.

25. If any boarder commits any such mistake which hampers the dignity of the hostel, the Superintendent can expel her from the hostel with permission of the Principal.

26. No boarder can misbehave any employee working in the hostel. If such complaint against anyone, she should bring it to the notice of the Superintendent.

27. Outsiders are not allowed into the hostel.

28. Boarders can submit their creative literary writings for the hostel magazine which is published annually.

29. Any classmate (must be a girl student of this college) or any lady guardian of a boarder, in case of difficulty, may be allowed to stay for one night only in the guest room of the hostel with permission of the Superintendent.

30. The Superintendent will have the power of censoring all reading materials brought into the hostel. The introduction of objectionable reading materials into the hostel will be summarily rejected.

31. All boarders will get the same type of food. No special arrangement will be made for anyone. No boarder is allowed to have her food outside the hostel.

32. Singing or playing the musical instruments during the study hours is strictly prohibited.

33. All dues of the hostel will be notified in the hostel notice board in due time. Boarders are advised to clear all their hostel dues in time. The Superintendent may take action against the defaulters with the consultation of the Principal. At the time of admission a boarder has to pay Rs. 500.00 (Admission fee) + Rs. 600.00 (Four month's advance)

34. The Superintendent will be the controlling authority so far as order and discipline of hostel are concerned and is empowered to punish the boarders for any breach of discipline with intimation to the Principal.