Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'


1. The Book Bank will be treated as a section of the College Library.
2. The Library and Book Bank Committee formed by the Principal will select the deserving students for lending books from the Book Bank and the Librarian will be the convenor of the Book Bank Selection Committee.
3. The Committee will invite application for loan of text books from the students of the college and select deserving candidates on the basis of merit and poverty. The committee may conduct interview for selection of candidates if necessary.
4. The Committee will submit a list of candidates to the Principal selected for loan of text books for approval.
5. A nominal cost of 10% of actual cost of the book will be paid by the borrower once covering the course period till their Council/University Examination form fill-up.
6. A Maximum of 4 books to a +2 Student and 6 books to +3 students will be approved for lending. Issues of books depend upon availability.
7. The borrower will remain responsible for loss or damage of books and the library rules will be applicable here.
8. The books will be returned at such time and in such manner as librarian will notify.
9. Regarding other Rules, Library will be applicable.