Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'

Though optional, enrolment in the National Service Scheme is much commended to the students.

1. The college has both gents' and women's wing in the National Service Scheme (NSS).

2. The aims and objectives of NSS are:
(a) To develop character, comradeship, ideals of service, sacrifice and capacity for leadership among the students with a view to arousing social consciousness.
(b) To educate the students through community service to arouse a sense of involvement in the task of national development and reconstruction.
(c) To enable the students to acquire work experience which would help them to seek and secure avenues of self employment or co-operative employment when they enter into life after their student career.

3. (a) Enrolment to the NSS (both Boys and Girls Unit) is made through interview among the willing participants.
(b) Once enrolled, the student will ordinarily continue as a member of the NSS till the end of the session in this college unless his/her membership is cancelled on the ground of (i) Indiscipline (1) irregularity (ii) gross misconduct
(c) Every student enrolled in NSS has to attend a minimum of two hours programme twice a week. Attendance at the programme is recorded.
(d) Besides the bi-weekly programme, student belonging to NSS may be required to attend at least two special camps in a year.
(e) Depending on the availability of Government/ University grants, light refreshment is provided to the students at the bi-weekly programmes.

4. (a) If any material/equipment issued to a student is lost or damaged, the concerned students shall pay full cost of the item/items OR such penalty as shall be imposed by the Principal.
(b) A student who is an examinee of Council/University shall return by the 15th of December or by such date as the NSS Officer or the Principal may fix, all articles issued to him/her failing which he/she may not be sent up for the Council/University Examination.
(c) A student belonging to +2 1st year or +3 1st and 2nd year class shall return by the 10th May or by such date as the NSS Officer or the Principal may fix, all articles issued to him/her failing which he/she may not be promoted to the next higher class.

5. The NSS Committee of the college is composed of :
(a) Principal - Chairman (ex-officio)
(b) Officers in charge of NSS Units
(c) Student leaders of NSS (one leader from each unit be nominated by the respective officer-in-charge, the senior most officer of NSS will act as the Secretary of the NSS Committee.

6. A student enrolled in NSS is subject to:
(a) Such rules as are recommended by the Education Committee, University and the Government and
(b) Such rules, order and disciplinary measures as are prescribed by the NSS Officer and the Principal from time to time.

7. In case of any indiscipline or irregularity found against any NSS Officer, the Principal may suspend or discharge the concerned officer from his/her post immediately.