The name of the Guild shall be Simulia College Social Service Guild. All students of +3 classes of the college are
ipso-facto members of the Guild. All members of the staff are honorary members of the Guild.
Aims & Objectives
1. To grant financial aid to needy and deserving students of the college.
2. To raise a volunteer organization to render help at the time of natural calamities like flood, earthquake, cyclone etc.
3. To maintain discipline, to save the environment from pollution, to provide drinking water to the people during fairs, functions and festivals in the nearby areas.
4. To have a co-ordination with the NSS and try for all round development of the college.
The Executive Committee of the Social Service Guild
It shall consist of:
(a) President - Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President and Associate Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
(c) Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among them. The Asst.
(d) Asst. Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among +3 1st year and +3 2nd year classes.
(e) One class representative from each class (Arts and Commerce counted separately).
1. The Secretary shall be responsible for
(a) Convening executive meetings.
(b) Maintaining records and proceedings of the meetings under the direct supervision of the Vice-President.
(c) Inviting application from poor and needy students and providing financial assistance to the genuine cases.
2. The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharging his duties and shall assume all charges of the Secretary during his absence.
3. The funds of the Guide shall consist of:
(a) Annual contribution from the students.
(b) Voluntary contribution from students.
(c) Voluntary donation from benevolent people.
4. The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds.
5. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the accounts.
6. The Principal shall be the final controller of the Guild.