Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
Athletic Association

The following is the Constitution of the Athletic Association of Simulia College, Markona.

1. The name of the Association shall be Simulia College Athletic Association, Markona.

2. The aims and objectives of the Association shall be to
(a) Organise games, sports and athletic activities.
(b) Organise meets and tournaments.
(c) Inculcate a sense of team spirit and sportsmanship among students.

3. (a) All students of +3 classes of the college are ipso-facto members of the Association.
(b) All members of the staff are honorary members of the Association.
(c) The Executive Committee of the Athletic Association with prior approval of the Principal may confer honorary membership on any individual distinguished in the field of game, sports, athletics and physical culture.

4. The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of: (a) President - Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President and Associate Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
(c) The Physical Education Teacher
(d) Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among them and Asst. Secretary to be elected by +3 students from among +3 1st year and +3 2nd year classes.
(e) One class representative from each class (Arts and Commerce counted separately).
(f) One class representative from among the woman students.
(g) Captain of such out-doors games as might exist in the college in the concerned academic session.
(h) The Vice-President in consultation with the Associate Vice-President and the Physical Education Teacher and with the approval of the Principal shall nominate the Captains and Vice-Captains.
(i) Only such members under category 3(a) above who are active players in a game are eligible to be nominated as Captain or Vice-Captain of the game.
(j) The Secretary and the Asst. Secretary cannot be the Captain or Vice-Captain of any game.
(k) If a Captain or a Vice-Captain continually absents himself/herself from the field when the game is played or practised, he/she may be deemed to have ceased to be the Captain or Vice-Captain.

5. The Executive Committee will prepare a budget which will be placed before the Principal for final approval. The Vice-President will be eligible to draw money from the college only after the budget is approved by Principal. Any deviation in the budget needs prior approval of the Principal. Vice-President and Associate Vice-President shall be responsible for submitting vouchers by 25th March positively.

6. The P.E.T. shall be responsible for:
(a) Convening meeting of the Executive Committee and other Sub-Committees.
(b) Organising activities as under 2 above.
(c) Maintaining record and proceeding.
(d) Such other activities, responsibilities and duties which are assigned by the Executive Committee, Vice-President or Principal under the direct supervision and guidance of the Vice-President.

7. (a) The funds of the Association shall consist of:
(i) Annual contribution from students.
(ii) Voluntary contribution from members.
(iii) Other contributions / donation / aids / grants received / raised with the approval of the Executive Committee and with the approval of the Principal.

(b) The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds.
(c) The Physical Education Teacher under the direct supervision of the Vice-President shall maintain the accounts of the Association.

8. The Vice-President shall be the Superintendent of all games, sports in athletic activities.

9. Before a game of sports or other athletic activity is organised, the details shall receive the approval of the Principal.

10. (a) The Captain shall:
(i) Select players for friendly and competitive matches and meets.
(ii) be in charge of the grounds set apart for games in their charges.
(iii) be responsible for the disciplines conduct of the players.

(b) The Vice-Captain shall assist the Captain in discharging his duties and functions and shall assume all charges of the Captain during his absence.

11. The Physical Education Teacher shall:
(a) Maintain accounts of the Athletic funds.
(b) Maintain accounts of the sports goods and other assets of the Association.
(c) Look after the playground.
(d) Look after the programmes of the activities of the association.
(e) Do such other works in connection with the activities of the Association, the Vice-President or the Principal may assign to him.

12. The captains shall select player for each game on the recommendation of the Sub-Committee (one Sub- Committee for each game) consisting of the following members.
(a) Vice-President
(b) Officer-in-charge of the game to be nominated by the Principal.
(c) Captain

13. An All Round Cup may be awarded to a student who has creditably played for the college in at least four major games in a year. If athletic is one of the items, the student must stand first at least in one major event in the Annual Athletic Meet of the college.

14. The Principal shall be the final authority of the Association.