Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'

The College Library has a reading room adjacent to it. The staff as well as the students of the college may make the best use if it.

Rules for the Reading Room :-

1.The Reading Room of Simulia College will be open for the staff and students from 9am to 7pm on all working days and during long holidays.

2. Books will be issued only on production of both the Identity card and library card for the Current session.

3. After a book is issued, the identity card and library card will be retained by the Librarian till the book is returned. In no circumstance students will be allowed to take the books outside.

4. One book at a time will be issued to the borrower for his/her use inside the reading room.

5. A borrower is allowed to change his/her book once during his/her stay inside the reading room. But such change of books cannot be allowed before expiry of one hour. 6. Consultation of catalogues should be done before entering the reading room. The requisition slip duly filled in should be handed over to the Librarian for verification and issue of books.

7. Students must check the book issued to them thoroughly before they leave the issue counter and report to the Librarian-in-charge of the reading room in case of any damage.

8. Students are not allowed to keep the books borrowed from the reading room overnight. They are directed to read books etc. inside the reading room and not to take books outside. They have to return the books on the same day before leaving the reading room.

9. Anybody who takes a book out of the library will forfeit his/her right to use the reading room and will be fined Rs. 10.00 per day.

10. Anybody found mutilating or disfiguring a book in any manner will be seriously dealt with.

11. Utmost silence and discipline must be observed inside the reading room.

12. Anybody found talking or causing disturbance in any manner in the reading room will be deprived of library facilities in the first instance and his/her name will be removed from college rolls if the offence is repeated. Arrangement of chairs and tables must not be disturbed in any circumstances.

14. Nobody is allowed to carry books, journals or bags inside the reading room. Students are allowed to carry only their note books inside the reading room. They should keep their books and other articles near the entrance counter.

15. The right of entry into the reading room depends upon the availability of seats.

16. All students have to record their time of arrival and time of departure in a register kept for the purpose near entrance of the reading room.

17. In case of failure of electricity, readers are requested not to cause disturbance or leave their seats.

18. No student can borrow a book that does not concern his/her subject of study.