Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'

The College has a canteen in the campus for the refreshment of both staff and students. It serves to the need and demands of the students and staff as per the guidelines notified to the caterer from time to time. Students are required to come in queue to have their snacks and tiffins. Separate counter is there for the staff of the college. It also provides table services to the staff. The canteen gives pace to the rate/duration of students retention for learning and library use of the college. The College canteen is opened from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on all working days. There are officers-in-charge for the college canteen. They are empowered to frame rules for the canteen and get the same approve from the Principal before notifying for the benefits of the staff and students. The principal is the controlling head of the smooth running of the canteen in the college premises.