Simulia College is the fulfilment of a long cherished dream of the people of Simulia Block. In the beginning of eighties, a few intellectuals immensely felt the necessity of establishing a college in this area to promote higher education. On one auspicious evening in 1981, they met in the temple of Lord Nilakantheswar at the initiation of the then M.L.A of Simulia Constitunecy Sri Parshuram Panigrahi who was also a lecture in Mathematics in Dhenkanal College, Dhenkanal. Needless to say Sri Parsuram Panigrahi is an eminent educationist in the Locality. His eminence energized to give birth to this institution. They unanimously resolved to establish a temple of higher learning. Thus the college started with 38 students on the rolls from the academic session 1981-82. The Public decided Parsuram Panigrahi, founder of the college to be the Secretary of the Governing Body. But he sacrificed the position to his elder brother Sri Muralidhar Panigrahi. Finally the Governing Body of the College was formed with Sri Muralidhar Panigrahi as Secretary and Sri Arjun Charan Sethi as the President. The College started functioning in the Local high school imparting education to Students of I.A. class only. Luckily, the college site fixed at Baghia field comprising 12.73 acres of Land. The college is highly indebted to this generous donation of land gifted by the villagers of Markona. The generous donation of money by Sri Muralidhara Panigrahi helped the college tide over the initial fixed deposit. At present, Sri Parsuram Panigrahi, M.L.A. Simulia is the President of Governing Body of this college.
The College was accorded concurrence by the department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha from the academic session 1981-82. The Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar granted affiliation with 128 seats in the I.A. class. Seats were increased to 256 in 1986-87. In the academic session 1987-88, +3 stream in Arts was opened and +3 Commerce and +2 Science streams were opned in 1991 and 1993 respectively. Hon'ble M.L.A., Simulia and the founder of the college Sj. Parasuram Panigrahi made this college a full-fledged one by opening +3 Science from the session 2013-14 after meeting several times to the Chief Minister and Minister Higher Education, Odisha.
Once a baby institution, it has grown into full adulthood with more than 2200 students strength in +2 Arts, Sceince and Commerce and +3 Arts and commerce streams. The college now proved teaching in Honours subjects - Odia, English, History, Economics, Education, Sanskrit and Political Science in Arts, Accounting, Finance and Management Honours in Commerce and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics , Botany and Zoology Honours in Science streams. Now the college is affiliated to the Council of Higher Secondary Education Odisha and Fakir Mohan University, Vyasa Vihar, Balasore.
A Govt. Vocational Junior College is functioning in the College with Computer Technical and Office Management trades having 24 students strength in each trade.
The Library of the college has nearly 18000 books, Journals, periodicals. With a grant of Rs. 10,000 from Chief Ministers Relief Fund in the nineties, it has been receiving financial support from the UGC during the Previous plan periods for the construction of Library building and purchase of Books, periodicals, journals for the library.
The college has been availing various financial assistance from the UGC for the construction of additional classroom building, Women's Hostel, Library building and for the furtherance of laboratory equipments. The college has now accommodation in its double storeyed building for classrooms with T.R.W. hostel for S.C./S.T. students. The hostel for girls is now under construction with financial support from UGC.
The UGC Financed Women's hostel will run in future as soon as its construction work is completed.
The College has a Gymkhana well equipped with the amenities supported by the MHRD, Govt. of India. The college has been granted to construct and open an Indoor stadium Training Centre with financial support of Rs. 70,00,000 from UGC during the XI plan period. The Construction work is going on at present. Besides this, teaching and practice of Yoga and Basic Computer Education (BSE) in all the +2 classes have been mandatory.
The College has around 85 staff members including teaching and non-teaching members. It has till now organised 07 UGC sponsored state / national conferences / seminars and most of the faculties are having UGC Minor Research Projects. Regular Refresher courses are being attended by the teaching members. All these prove the faculty development programme of the college besides research and consultancy.
Our college has proved its excellence with a degree student in Economics Honours holding first position in the F. M. University in Final Degree Examination 2009 and Fourteenth position in +2 Commerce in CHSE Examination 2009. A student in Sanskrit (Hons) has stood 1st position in the University Toppers List of the F. D Examination 2012 and another one in 2017. Besides these, a Student in Pol. Science hons has stood 1st position in the University Toppers List of the F.D. Examination 2013 and student in History Hons in 2014.
Our college has got the opportunity for a Valuation Zone of the F. M University, Vyasa Vihar, Balasore, consecutively for three years from 2013 for +3, Second University (Back) Examination.
Above all, healthy teacher student relationship, sound sense of discipline among the teachers, regular teaching, and satisfactory results in the examinations and peaceful conduct of the CHSE and University Examinations are noteworthy features of the college. With this tradition and dedicated efforts, our young students would prove themselves to be worthy citizen of this rich cultural heritage and civilization.