Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
As per the Letter No. 5N-1989 9(11) 47787 Dtd. 6.9.89 of the D.P.I. (HE) Odisha, there shall be a Cultural Association for +2 students of the college as mentioned below.

1. +2 Cultural Associations (Which shall be called Simulia College Cultural Association)
2 Athletic Association (Which shall be called Simulia College Athletic Association)

Aims & Objectives

1. To organise meetings, debates, discussion, competitions and workshops.
2. To invite eminent scholars, literatures and critics to address the Association.
3. To create healthy atmosphere by developing brotherly love and friendship among the students. Every bonafide student of +2 classes of the college is a member of the +2 Cultural Association as well as other Associations.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of each Association shall be constituted as follows:
(a) President-Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
(c) Secretary to be elected from among +2 students.
(d) Asst. Secretary to be elected from among +2 students.
(e) Class Representative to be elected one from each class of +2 streams Arts/Sc./Com separately.
(f) Women Representative to be elected from among all woman students of +2 classes.

Election Procedure

The election of office bearers of +2 Associations shall be held alongwith the election of the College Union and other societies and the election procedure is same as it is for +3 streams

Meetings of the Executive Committee

1. The Principal is the President of each Association and presides over meetings of the Executive Committee.
2. In the absence of Principal, Vice-President of the concerned Association presides over the meetings of the Executive Committee.
3. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings in consultation with the Vice-President and President.
4. The Principal shall be the final controller of +2 Associations. He may, at his discretion alter, amend, supplement or cancel any or all of the rules.