Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
Staff Association

There shall be two Faculty Associations namely
1. Arts Faculty
2. Commerce Faculty
3. Science Faculty

Aims & Objectives

1. To organise meetings, debates, discussion, competitions.
2. To invite eminent scholars to address the association.
3. To collect, edit, publish manuscripts, books etc.
4. To organise study tours.

The Executive Committee

Each Faculty forms an Executive Committee consisting of:
(a) President - Principal (ex-officio)
(b) Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff.
(c) Secretary to be elected by +3 final year classes of the concerned subjects.
(d) Asst. Secretary to be elected by +3 1st year and +3 2nd year classes of concerned subjects.
(e) Class Representative - One from each +3 class to be elected by the students of the same class.


1. The Secretary shall be responsible for
(a) Convening executive meetings.
(b) Maintaining records and proceedings.
(e) Maintaining accounts under the direct supervision of the Vice-President and to submit it to the Accountant.
2. The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharging his/her duties and shall assume all charges of the Secretary during his/her absence.

3. When there is any difference of opinions of the members in the Executive Committee, the Class Representative can cast their votes with others to solve the dispute. If it is not solved, the Principal takes the final decision.

4. The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds. He shall be the final controller of the Association. He may at his discretion, alter, amend or cancel any or all of these rules.