Affiliated to F M University, Balasore | Accredited to NAAC 'B'
The College Publication

The College brings out a magazine named "SAM- SAPTAK". It is generally published annually.


1. The college magazine "SAMSPTAK" is normally published in the month of December/January every year.

2. The magazine is edited by an Editorial Board nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.

3. Original literary writings in Odia, English, Hindi and Sanskrit are invited through notification by the Editorial Board in consultation with the Principal. The students as well as the members of the staff are eligible to submit their literary writings to the Editorial Board on or before the notified date. The ratio of the selected writings of the students and the staff shall be 3:1. The Editorial Board shall keep secret the list of the selected articles till the publication in the magazine.

4. The writings include essays, poems, one act plays, short stories, travelogues etc. The writings must be related to our social, cultural and spiritual aspects of life.

5. Manuscripts for the magazine must be typed with double space between lines or neatly handwritten on only one side of full scape size paper.

6. Anybody found submitting the articles copying it fully or partially from the writings of others shall be severely penalised. MAMIA OMA 251HZRAJOHOR

7. Other materials such as photographs of the members of the executive committees of +2 and +3 sports and literary champions, special camps of the N.S.S., programmes of the Annual Function, drawing and annual reports of different associations are also published in the college magazine.

8. The Editorial Board shall not be held responsible for any type of printing errors.

9. The Principal may at his discretional power, alter or amend the rules of the college magazine.

The College Calendar

The Calendar is a comprehensive collection of useful information. It deals with rules and regulations regarding the various activities pertaining to the academic life in college and it serve as ideal guide to the students.

The Editors are to see that the draft copy of the College Calendar is ready with the approval of the Principal by 31st May every year.

It should be given to the immediately and made it available to the students soon after beginning of the academic session.